Call For Delivery!
Everything from hardwood mulch, to environmentally friendly (and pet friendly), colored mulches. We also carry an assortment of decorative stone options to choose from.

Shredded Oak

Hemlock/Pine Blend

Red Enviro

Lt. Brown Enviro

Dk. Brown Enviro

Black Enviro

Blended Topsoil
& Traffic Bond
We carry black/brown pulverized topsoil that is good for building up around the foundation, seeding, and for covering low spots in the ground. Traffic Bond also available for grading in low spots, etc.

Touch up the mulch.
Nothing spruces up a home like a new application of mulch. Apply a fresh layer to all your garden beds. The tried and true method for adding an outdoor pop of color or contrast, for any home or business. Easy to apply and affordable.

Stock up on firewood.
While in the summer we think of bonfires, in the colder months firewood is a great option to heat our homes or work spaces. Demand is year long, and you can be sure to find a consistent supply on hand.

More permanent—decorative stone.
Wide variety of colors available, with decorative stone that can be used in similar ways to mulch, adding a more permanent solution for your yard. Perennials and shrubs can then be paired alongside, based on preference.

Be good to your lawn.
In the harsh weather changes of WI, your vegetation could use a little help along the way. Ask about our options in grass seed, fertilizers, and materials necessary to make your lawn glow that healthy green.

Highest Quality Freshly Milled.

We offer delivery service and on-site loading!
1. Call in: (414) 425-5100 / (262) 599-8100
2. Choose the product(s) that best suit your project.
3. Direct us to where you'd like it dropped.
Lemke's Landscape Supplies
With over 40 years experience in the field and long-standing service to our local communities - we invite you to stop in, or call up, for any of your next landscape projects.

Landscape Supplies

Delivery Options

Historical Reputation

Professional Service
Now At Two Locations!
11440 W Loomis Road, Franklin, WI 53132 & 16980 W. National Avenue, New Berlin, WI 53151